Voucher is used to give extra ordinary offers to your customers. You can customize the voucher like offer in percentage or flat, set voucher validity set minimum amount and maximum discount, claiming system, access to show voucher publicly or personally. So just create the vouchers and give your customers an amazing discounts
Please make sure InstantMenu is not responsible for the vouchers you create for order
Open Voucher
1. Open voucher
Open voucher from the list
Add Voucher
1. Create voucher
Click on create new voucher
2. Enter voucher details
Add the details of voucher like voucher code name, valid date like upto how much time you want to show vouchers to your customers.
You can also add claiming times like how much time your customer can redeem the same voucher.
Enter the voucher offer value in percentage or flat. Also, you can set minimum order amount like on how much minimum amount you want to give offer and, you can also set maximum discount amount like upto how much maximum amount this voucher is valid
If you want to share the voucher to limited customers you can uncheck the voucher visibility or you can check the voucher visibility if you want to view voucher publicly
Select the services for which you can redeem this voucher
Edit Voucher
1. Open voucher
Click on the voucher you need to update
2. Edit Voucher
Edit the details you want modify for a voucher
Delete Voucher
1. Open voucher
Click on the voucher you need to delete
2. Delete Voucher
Click on the top right corner
From the dialog box, select Delete Voucher
Activate/Inactive Voucher
If you want to inactive voucher temporarily i.e you don't want to show voucher to your customers you can inactivate at any time and again can activate that voucher
1. Open voucher
Click on the voucher you need to activate/inactivate
2. Activate/Inactivate Voucher
Click on the top right corner
From the dialog box, select Activate/Inactivate Voucher